Function Summary

String ${payment:maskCardNumber(String)}

Masks a credit card number by only showing the first and last digits, hiding all the middle digits.

boolean ${payment:isError()}

Determines if there was any type of error processing the <payment:payment>, <payment:capture>, or <payment:void>.

String ${payment:getErrorReason()}

Gets the reason for a processing error.

boolean ${payment:isAccepted()}

Determines if the payment was accepted (approved).

String ${payment:getAuthorizationCode()}

Gets the authorization code to display to the customer.

String ${payment:getTransactionId()}

Gets the per-processor unique transaction ID.

boolean ${payment:isHeld()}

Determines if the payment was held (pending some sort of review).

String ${payment:getReviewReason()}

Gets the review reason for a transaction that has been placed on hold.

boolean ${payment:isRejected()}

Determines if the payment was rejected (declined).

String ${payment:getRejectedReason()}

Gets the rejected reason for a payment attempt.

String ${payment:getCvvResult()}

Gets the CVV2 (card security code) verification result.

String ${payment:getAvsResult()}

Gets the AVS (address verification system) result.