
Voids a previous transaction (from <payment:payment>).

When the payment was not captured, the void will always work.

When the payment was captured, the void may or may not work depending on processor and transaction status. For example, a captured transaction in an open batch may be voided in the Sage processor. When the void is not an option, a credit must be issued instead.

<payment:useProcessor> must be called before using this tag.

All parameters and results are handled through a set of nested tags. These tags are:

* indicates zero or more uses allowed
! indicates exactly one use required

Tag Information

Tag Class: com.newmediaworks.taglib.payment.VoidTag
TagExtraInfo Class: None
Body Content: JSP
Display Name: None


Name Required Evaluation Type Description
transactionId No Runtime String

Provides the transaction ID.

A nested <payment:transactionId> tag will override this value.


No Variables Defined.